Give a Life-Changing Gift of Health & Life
Provide a Better Future for Generations to Come.

Ways To Donate : Choose What Works For You

Shifa’s Medical Clinics and Women’s Center provides complete, high-quality health care and social services to serve underserved and displaced populations in the Greater Houston Area. Your Donations in Southwest Houston can help us create a lasting impact and uplift the underprivileged.

Financial constraints pose a significant barrier to good health. Individuals experiencing financial challenges are less likely to access quality healthcare, increasing their susceptibility to chronic health conditions.

Shifa’s Donation Methods are as Follows:

Together, we can make a an impact on the lives of people affected by life’s difficult circumstances.

ways to donate

Shifa maintains the conviction that everyone should enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life, irrespective of their income. Shifa diligently addresses the healthcare and well being of those it serves.

These uninsured and underprivileged diverse communities look up to Shifa for help.

Shifa’s women center is focused on providing emergency transitional housing and client-centered supportive services to domestic violence victims and survivors, who are women and children. The women center is a healing place during a time of crisis with a variety of amenities including basic life necessities along with personal and professional development resources, training, and counseling.

Shifa offers trauma-informed and culturally competent services, including therapy, medical & dental care as well as legal assistance and case management.

Serving Our Diverse Communities Through Healthcare & Social Services

Ways to Donate