Shifa Offer Free Fibroscan for Liver Diseases

Shifa Healthcare stands as a beacon of hope in the field of healthcare, striving relentlessly to offer quality medical assistance at affordable rates. Shifa encompasses a spirit of inclusivity, accepting individuals from diverse backgrounds—insured, uninsured, Medicare, Medicaid recipients—to benefit from Shifa Healthcare services.

Recently, Shifa has collaborated with Apex, aligning clinical focus for the betterment of the community. Together, we have initiated free liver scanning through Fibroscan technology, spotlighting the crucial significance of liver health. Fibroscan plays a pivotal role in measuring liver stiffness, enabling early detection and intervention.

The liver’s health cannot be overstated. It plays a pivotal role in our metabolic functions.

  • What exactly is Fibroscan?
    It’s a non-invasive method used to assess liver conditions without the need for biopsies.
  •  Liver diseases, particularly non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), are on the rise, often linked with metabolic dysfunctions.
  • Fibroscan emerges as a game-changer, offering crucial insights into diagnosing and treating liver diseases.
Fibro scan for Liver

For patients navigating through this process at Shifa, the experience is designed to be seamless, ensuring a comfortable journey from examination to receiving results. The potential outcomes of these screenings hold substantial significance, as they will guide further treatment procedures.

By enabling individuals to undergo these scans at no cost, Shifa is making efforts beyond improving health; it is elevating awareness, cultivating a culture of health and well-being, thereby fostering a healthier society.

For those facing liver health problems, take charge of your well-being. Book an appointment now for a complimentary liver screening. Your health matters. Act today.